Dr. med. Claudia Hörl

Specialty: Gynecologic oncology

Main focus

  • Gynecological tumors
  • Gynecological brachytherapy
  • Breast Cancer
  • Acupuncture
  • TCM
  • Supportive therapy

Short vita

Since 2020 at Radiologie München. D. in 1990, specialist since 1998 – as a specialist in brachytherapy of gynecological radiotherapy, Dr. Hörl has a wealth of experience. In addition, through continuing education in acupuncture and TCM, she works to support the treatment outcomes for your cancer patients in as many ways as possible.

Main focus

  • Gynecological tumors
  • Gynecological brachytherapy
  • Breast Cancer
  • Acupuncture
  • TCM
  • Supportive therapy

Short vita

Since 2020 at Radiologie München. D. in 1990, specialist since 1998 – as a specialist in brachytherapy of gynecological radiotherapy, Dr. Hörl has a wealth of experience. In addition, through continuing education in acupuncture and TCM, she works to support the treatment outcomes for your cancer patients in as many ways as possible.

Radiotherapy Schwabing
Kölner Platz 1
80804 ­München
Tel: 089 3068 2544

Specialist in radiotherapy and radiation oncology

Specialist with additional qualification brachytherapy

Radiation Therapy Specialist

Gynecologic & Pediatric Oncology

Main location: Radiotherapy Schwabing, Kölner Platz 1, House 14

Professional qualification

  • since 2016

    Specialist qualification in radiotherapy, additional qualification: brachytherapy

  • 2011


    Dissertation: “Investigation of the influence of 17ß-estradiol on human mesenchymal stem cells during chondrogenic differentiation” at the University of Regensburg, Germany.

  • until 2010

    Study of human medicine (since 2004)

    at the University of Regensburg

Professional career

  • since 2017

    Employee specialist

    in the joint practice for radiation therapy and radiooncology at the Schwabing Clinic

  • until 2016

    Research assistant (start 2011)

    in the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiotherapy and Radiooncology of the LMU-Munich

  • since 2017

    Employee specialist

    in the joint practice for radiation therapy and radiooncology at the Schwabing Clinic

  • until 2016

    Research assistant (start 2011)

    in the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiotherapy and Radiooncology of the LMU-Munich