Dr. med.
Christoph R. Arnold

Specialty: Tumor irradiation

Main focus

  • Radiotherapy of malignant tumors
  • Specialist in organ radiooncology

Short vita

Dr. med. Christoph R. Arnold has been working at Radiologie München since 2021. PHD. in 2015 – as a specialist in radiotherapy and radiation oncology, he focuses on optimal tumor treatment in radiotherapy. At the same time, Dr. Arnold continues to expand the applications of low-level laser techniques in post-treatment and side effect management.

Main focus

  • Radiotherapy of malignant tumors
  • Specialist in organ radiooncology

Short vita

Dr. Arnold has been with Radiologie München since 2021. D. in 2015 – as a specialist in radiotherapy and radiation oncology, he focuses on optimal tumor treatment in radiotherapy. At the same time, Dr. Arnold continues to expand the applications of low-level laser techniques in post-treatment and side effect management.

Radiotherapy Schwabing
Kölner Platz 1
80804 ­München
Tel: 089 3068 2544

Specialist in radiotherapy and radiation oncology

Specialist with years of experience in the treatment of various types of cancer by (combined) radiotherapy.

Radiation Therapy Specialist

Experienced therapist for oncology

Main location: Radiotherapy Schwabing, Kölner Platz 1

Technical and professional background

  • since 2021


    for Radiation Therapy and Radiooncology at the University Clinic for Radiation Therapy-Radiooncology, Innsbruck

  • until 2020


    at the University Clinic for Radiotherapy-Radiooncology, Innsbruck

  • until 2015

    Doctoral studies in medical sciences (PhD)

    at the Medical University of Innsbruck

  • until 2009

    Degree in human medicine (MD; Dr. med. univ.)

    at the Medical University of Innsbruck


Austrian Society for Radiation Oncology, Radiobiology and Medical Radiophysics

Founding member of Young-ÖGRO

Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI)