Back pain is the most common reason people see their doctor. The reasons can be manifold: pain can occur when the back is loaded insufficiently, incorrectly or excessively. In older age, greater wear and tear, for example due to osteoarthritis, can also be the reason for back pain.
rd. 61%
of all Germans have severe back pain once a year
The reason for the pain is inflammation, which initially spreads from the soft tissues, such as the intervertebral discs, tendons and muscles, to the cartilage and bones. For this reason, appropriate measures should be taken at an early stage to avoid long-term complaints such as pain and impaired movement.
Where can you have back pain therapy in Munich?
In addition to diagnosing the causes of back pain, our Radiologie München practices also offer therapies. Guided by CT, epidural reflow, periradicular therapy, facet infiltration, and sacroiliac joint infiltration form very effective and safe procedures.
General back pain therapy
A large part of back pain can be attributed to bad behaviors in everyday life: Lack of exercise, unhealthy sitting positions, incorrect loads, but also stress cause nerves to become irritated and the intervertebral discs between the vertebral bodies to be unevenly loaded. This causes inflammation, which increasingly spreads and radiates to other parts of the body should it not be treated.
Basically, back pain can be divided into acute and chronic complaints. Acute back pain is usually limited to a few days to a few weeks, while chronic back pain lasts longer than three months. The intensity of the pain can vary in both cases. If acute pain is not treated early and efficiently, the symptoms can become chronic and reduce the quality of life in the long term.
How is back pain diagnosed?
Before treatment, it is first important to determine the reason for the discomfort. Are the causes physical or psychological? Is the cause of the discomfort located in the back itself or is it located in another region of the body and radiates from there into the back, causing the problems there? Does a patient have pre-existing conditions or is there a genetic disposition in the family history?
In addition, the attending physician examines the patient’s mobility, posture and general health. The blood is also examined to determine possible signs of inflammation in the body. It is also important to examine the back using imaging techniques such as X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, CT or scintigraphy. With them, the doctor can determine whether the discomfort is caused by changes in muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerve roots, intervertebral discs, cartilage or bones.
How is back pain treated?
Back pain can be treated very well in the early stages. In addition, in many cases, long-term, chronic disease progression can be avoided. If the cause of the complaints is determined, not only the symptoms can be treated, but also the causes, such as negative behaviors or life circumstances. Please discuss possible measures with your doctor and please do not act on your own authority, as complaints could possibly be aggravated.
Obesity and lack of exercise: prolonged sitting at a desk, in front of the TV or the game console combined with a poor diet leads to excessive stress on the spine due to the extra weight and weakened muscles. A healthy diet and plenty of exercise reduce weight and spinal overload. Regular breaks as well as getting up from the workplace in between or changing the sitting position help to strengthen the back muscles. An ergonomically designed workstation is particularly important if the work activity involves sitting for several hours.
Conservative treatment methods
Heat and cold: Heat applications, such as baths, sauna sessions, heat wraps can help with mild back pain, as they can relieve tension and help with relaxation. For acute back pain and inflammation, cold applications, such as cold compresses or ice cube massages, work better than heat applications in some cases.
Medications: Medications are used to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. However, these should only be taken for a short period of time, as they primarily address the symptoms, not the causes. In many cases, rheumatism medications are used without cortisone.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can be a helpful measure in combating discomfort in the back. With the help of needles, certain acupuncture points are stimulated. This releases tension and stimulates blood circulation.
Physical therapy: Physical therapy or physiotherapy can also help relieve pain and relieve tension. Its aim is to strengthen the back muscles and stimulate blood circulation, thus relieving the spine. Furthermore, the physical therapist recognizes faulty posture and movement patterns of the patient.
Targeted pain therapy
If conservative methods fail to improve the patient’s symptoms, an alternative method may be able to bring about the hoped-for improvement. In Targeted Pain Management, the medication is injected into the source of the pain using a thin needle. To ensure that the injection is administered in a targeted manner and that no complications arise from the treatment, the procedure is constantly monitored with the help of three-dimensional imaging, a computer tomography.
Periradicular therapy (PRT) involves injecting the medication into the nerve root. The drug calms the nerves and the swelling goes down. This reduces the pressure on the intervertebral disc and the pain decreases. The targeted intervention is monitored with the help of computer tomography.
What do I need to consider when treating back pain?
Cost absorption
Statutory health insurance companies cover a range of costs for the treatment of back problems. This includes payment for necessary medications as well as surgical procedures – if prescribed by a physician. This also applies to prescribed remedies, such as physiotherapy, heat and cold therapies or massages. In some cases, acupuncture may also be covered by insurance. Measures that are not prescribed by a physician are generally not reimbursed by the health insurance company. For this reason, it makes sense for the patient to contact his or her health insurance company in advance and find out about the services that are reimbursed.
To note
Therapy for the treatment of back pain includes a variety of methods. Here, it is important that you discuss all possible measures with your doctor. Please do not act without prior consultation with your doctor, as the clinical picture could be worsened.
Furthermore, it is important to clarify with your doctor for each treatment method whether possible pre-existing conditions, intake of medication, intolerances and allergies or other lifestyle habits (such as regular drinking of alcohol) are present, speak against the treatment and one therefore switches to an alternative method.
If X-rays or examination with CT, MRI or scintigraphy are necessary, you must discuss with your doctor whether these are an option for you. There may be an intolerance to the contrast agent used. In addition, some of these methods use X-rays or ionizing radiation. Children and pregnant women must not be exposed to radiation. Therefore, we ask you to inform your doctor if you are pregnant.